- I want to loose weight, what should I do? Again reflecting on my previous post, Your nutrition is verrrryyyy IMPORTANT. If you eat like shit but kill 2 hours in the gym ,save yourself time and money and dont even bother. do your homework , Learn your Nutritional Fact LABELS! Eat proper.
Food journal is VERY helpful, Ive tried it and it keeps you alert and helps you reflect back on what you ate.
Paleo Diet: To make it short and simple, You only eat what a cave man would eat
Macro lifestyle: This is what I believed is made for my lifestyle. Macro consist of getting your macro intake and focusing on the most important concepts when it comes to leaning and building up. PROTEIN,FAT AND CARBS. Here you guys go found a calculator that can calculate your ,daily macro intake !:]
http://www.freedieting.com/tools/nutrient_calculator.htm this is also what I meant in my previous post, when it comes to macro you CAN EAT ANYTHING,
If you choose the Big mac, you will subtract the prot/carbs/fat from your daily intake . compared to the healthier option,giving you more room and options for 3 more meals.
Very important. You need to boost your metabolism?
To be continued... Its gym time again at 4 am