Monday, October 21, 2013

Week Two Challenge!

My apologies for the late post ! Ive been very busy and I will continue to be since its almost exam time again !

Same Rules Apply 1 Minute for each Set. Beginners: 2-4 Reps
1.Wide Pile Squat

2. Cross Over Push Ups.

3. Reverse Lunge with a Front Kick
4.Side Plank with Hip Dip.(30 seconds each side)

5.Single Leg tricep Dip.(30 seconds for each, rotate,left and right)

6.Curtsy Lunge with toe touches 

7. Elevated Bridge With Pull Overs.

Enjoy! Deniseexoxo
(Double Under Scroll )

Monday, October 14, 2013

October Meals From Dusk to Dawn ,before and after the Challenge

Hey guys! I am super swamped this week with so much "Writting Material" and "Events" and sleep if I can find time to get me some. So the challenge for the 2nd week will be up no later than WEDNESDAY ! I just wanted to wish you guys GOOD LUCK AND DONT GIVE UP! Trust me to many it might not seem like a challenge but once you start your reps ,it will burn! Keep it in mind you should be keeping a lean fat , Moderate carb ,high protein diet. Here an example of what Im doing this week

4 eggs(2 egg whites,2 whole eggs)
1 cup of oatmeal cooked in water and with banana ( i love bananas)
1 cup of plain black coffee :no creme or sugar

Lunch: 2 cups of Veggies ( High protein veggies to help you get in that protein)
Tukey about a hand full
1 egg
1/2 red grapefruit , Sometimes they are sweet and other times They are very BITTER. So I add a bit of fruit seasoning.
A twix in the mix lmao.

Same as lunch without the twix

Pre workout:
Have a rice cake with banana and peanut butter, almond butter etc . NO NUTELLA! haha
or Greek yogurt with fruits and nuts

Post workout :
Same as Pre Workout

All meals: I take my multi vitamins and my CLA

Thursday, October 10, 2013

WEEK 1 ! 1,2,3 Go!

1.Body Squat with Knee High

Begginers: 3 Sets 1 minute each, Count and take note.
Advanced: 5 sets 1 minute each.
 ( So do this move for one minute,3 times or 5 . Giving you 3-5 minutes on each move)

Start with feet hip width apart and push hips back,
slowly lowering yourself to a maximum of a 90 degree

  • Keep the knees behind the toes and use the arms for                                                                 balance. Most of your weight should be in your heels and not in the toes.

  •  Keep heels touching the ground at all times. 
  • Chest is up, core is engaged and tight. 
  •  Squeeze your glutes on the way up from the bottom, 
  • Come to a complete upright standing position, bringing your                                                               Right Knee to your chest forcefully as you bring your arms down to meet it strongly.

  • Repeat the same powerful Knee lift on the left side. 
  • Repeat the entire movement starting with the squat
2. Incline Push up
  • -Start in the Tall Plank position with hands elevated on a bench, step or anything firm and about 12" high. 
  • - Hands slightly wider than shoulders and shoulders in direct line with the hands, not behind. 
  • - Keep the legs straight (for the advanced position) and the core tight, not letting the lower back become sway. 
  • Slowly lower yourself towards the bench by bending the elbows. keep approximately 2-4 inches above. 
  • Push back up using the Chest and triceps muscles to the initial Tall Plank position. 
  • Keep head & neck in neutral alignment with the spine. Do not try to drop your nose to the bench first.ALTERNATELY, you can go halfway down and come back up 
3. Lunges in Position..
4.Tricep Dips 
5. Plank
7.Russian Twist

Sunday, October 6, 2013

October Challenge Full Details

Im going to be posting this challenge,very easy to do and is GREAT for beginners or something to add to your usual challenge . I like myself have difficulties mainly on my upper body but I try to work with it without hurting myself. So hope you guys enjoy it .


  • This total body circuit consists of 7 exercises that  engage multiple muscle groups. You will have a combination of strength, balance and heart-pumping cardio moves!
  •  WEEK1 contains your 7 core moves. Focus on your form and on maintaining it for the full minute you're doing each exercise.
  • Perform each exercise for 1 minute. Rest up to 15-30 seconds before moving on to the next move (or as needed).
  • REST and REPEAT 2X's (beginners)4-5 reps for Advanced 
  • These exercises wont change for week 1, so repeat for 3-5 days 
  • Create a combination ,3 days of this and 2 days of HIIT (Download App on Your Market .Free of Charge )
  • Measuring your body is a better number than the scale! write it down keep a small notepad or journal.
  • WRITE DOWN YOUR PROGRESS! Even if you cant finish ,write it down and watch how much endurance and strength you will create during this challenge. 
  • This Challenge was provided by betty rocker! I just made it simple and easier for others to access .
READ MY NEXT BLOG WITH ALL THE MOVES IN THIS CHALLENGE. Remember that proper dieting will increase significantly a better result.! Consult with your doctor and remember learning the posture can decrease chances of you hurting yourself. 

THANK YOU <333333333